“Governance” Letter Fifteen – It is happening before our very eyes – part one

It is so interesting how aligned with the book the present situation is becoming throughout the world. The “Arab Spring” instigated a movement of anarchy against the “tyrant” that has ballooned into full-fledged distrust and disgust. And as the consciousness of this movement made its way westward, we find ourselves in the midst of a growing movement against a similar tyrant the “Corporatocracy.”  The “OWS” [Occupy Wall Street] protestors are an example of the people rising up with a more enlightened nuance regarding the division within the species. They have been castigated and ridiculed for lack of message and lack of leadership. This is what makes this movement so pure and invigorating. It will be the new generations that transforms the stale way of life we have been accustomed to for so long. It will be this evolved DNA that will push our species beyond the level of Homo Sapien and into the next advanced organic mutation. Through this state of Enlightened Anarchy we will move into the Great Beings we are destined to become. 

So now, as we see the tyrants fall from their pedestals of shame, we can take heart in our future. There is only greatness to become of this. Five hundred years from now our new incarnations will look at this time as the catalyst that brought about the New Age of Enlightenment. 

It is with joy that I present this prophetic Letter Fifteen, “Governance,” to you. I will present it in two parts so you can absorb the ideas herein. It is deep and controversial, and you will need to read it again and again to comprehend the underlying thoughts, without your ego attachments. May the waves of peace rain/reign on the protest and may the illumined mind direct the outcome.


“Change can’t come soon enough for me, O.”

I know. I hear you. But I repeat, hang on. And notice what’s happening. This too shall pass.

“Thank you. Your words do help. Let me switch away from this personal morbidity now and ask you something I’ve wanted to know ever since the start of these letters. I think this might be the right time finally. You just mentioned change. How has government changed in 500 years? You said there are nations and congresses, commissions and plebiscites. What other institutions do you have? How does it work? Oh yes, and I’m curious to hear what you would say about the future of my own country. What is the lifetime of the United States on the world stage? Are we still one of the nations?”

Is that all? Not a small topic. But let’s get started. I hasten to add that, while I know this is important to you, it is not so important to me. It is only tangential to my purpose in writing these letters, to tell you this kind of thing. I do not want you to think that I’m telling you what kind of politics you should have. I am not here to tell you what you should do in any area of life. I only offer information and space, along with a few suggestions.

With that caveat, I will commence by saying our forms of governance are oriented toward the small. Our communities are small, our governments are small, and our politics are small. This is to say, local, participatory and representative at every level. And even though we do have various levels of authority, our overarching form is, in a word, anarchy. But it is an awakened anarchy!

We use whatever systems and techniques work for any given situation. By the nature of our consciousness and technology we are able to engage each other across vast distances in great numbers; this is where the need for levels comes in. Even when the numbers are large, our techniques give us the feel of operating in small groups, locally. We are sensitive to the needs of each and all, with individualities that are not separated from others or from Source.

“But you must have basic survival instincts. Wouldn’t they produce conflicts between individual needs? What do you do about those instincts?”

Our survival instincts most assuredly still exist. But it is first and foremost the survival of the species that drives us. This does not negate or trample the integrity of individuals. We see the individual as the conduit of awareness for the greater whole. The survival instinct in us pushes us together, not apart.

It is indeed paradoxical. But we love paradox. Paradox is what enlivens our spirits and enables all our great thinking and innovation. The individual feels rewarded and ennobled by association with the collective, not downtrodden or conflicted. Our individuality feels free and empowered by the whole; thus anarchy.

“But what about life and death situations. Doesn’t an individual’s survival instinct kick in at those times?”

Yes. But what happens then, as it was even in your species, is that a powerful stimulus to awareness arises. What we are able to do is to readily connect with reality in the moment; and we know by virtue of this connection that we are acting entirely within the holistic spirit. There is now only a thin veil between form and formless.

The one who is facing a dire situation, say life or death, knows by the very intensity, that there is a shift of consciousness happening. She or he knows, directly from Source, that whatever happens, there will be survival in the larger sense through this experience. A profound oneness thus surges into consciousness, virtually unbidden—rather like your recent visions. Some human experiences of death and sacrifice parallel this. It is universal for us.

One no longer puts the desire for single self-survival first. If individual survival is not matched with whole-survival, it becomes irrelevant. Instinct rises up. It is simple for us to feel the innate intelligence of the instinctual impulse; we thus make instinct conscious in our minds and hearts. That transforms it into intuitive presence. By this means, we know what is the most appropriate behavior in the moment. We know our place and our destiny. There is no more powerful time for experiencing this presence than in the face of great danger.

“I can see that, but how does it work? How does a person know what he knows?”

What truly governs every creature, including homo sapiens, is the Source of all Life. It does not exert itself in force or control, but rather in centered gravity and deepest logic—atma, buddhi, manas. It has gradually been coming awake over the millennia. When we say that we are awakened, it is really that Source that has awakened in us, not we within it.

In my world, Life and evolution are opening their eyes in a new way, from within the world of their own making. This is our foundation of governance. Of course, Life spirit was the foundation for your species too. The difference is that Life in my species is instinctively aware of its destiny; governance issues forth directly from that.

“I’m a little confused again. Just what do you mean by governance?”

Let’s look for a moment at the derivation of words. Frequently there is a deeper key or catalyst hidden in the original meanings. Such keys can help us open pathways into consciousness. The word ‘govern’, for example, originated in the Greek word, kubernan, ‘to steer.’ The nuance of ‘steering’ is the key. That which steers, or aims the vehicle, in my world is the inner intelligence of Source. In your world it is the outer intellect of mind and ego. Intellect is only a simulation of true intelligence. This makes a huge difference in the forms of governance we each have.

For us, anarchy makes sense because we are mutually guided through the same inner channels. For the guidance of your world, you must rely on erratic, unreliable inner connections, all the while dominated by separated, misguided forces from the mind.

“It is actually tragic for us to be so cut-off from our inner guidance. I suppose that’s why we have so much outer confusion in the world, and in our leadership. There are so many egos vying for control of the masses. But the word anarchy is also one we should look at for its derivation. Doesn’t it mean ‘without leadership’?”

Correction: It means ‘without ruler’. The leadership in my world is from guidance within. So anarchy is quite accurate for us; we do not have rulers who tell us what we may and may not do or think, or who punish us if we stray. We look within to the Source, to our authenticity and leadership—for what steers and stirs us.

Anarchy is actually the most effective governance for a society of individuals if it can be practiced without ego and if the individuals have awareness of interconnected reality. If you have these requisites, anarchy is both good for the individual and for the whole. They are one. Throughout human history, your governance exhibited early anarchistic traits. Take for example your striving for personal liberty, free markets, and democracy itself. Of course, survival of the fittest was the original manifestation of anarchy.

“It sounds like we were always evolving toward that. What does it look like in your world? How can you have nations, if they are anarchical? It sounds like a contradiction to me. How many nations are there? What are the differences among them?”

There is still great diversity among the various peoples of Earth. We are passionate about preserving this. It is the essence of healthy evolution, and now of conscious evolution. Our nation states have become a means of grounding the individuality principle, not undermining it. This is not a contradiction, but rather a fulfillment of the principle with greater wisdom applied…

Copyright 2010 Robert Lee Potter

1 Comment

  1. Hey Stefan,

    Thinking about your blog just now, I feel compelled to encourage you once again. The message that is coming through me to you is, “Be a spiritual voice and observer for movements like the ‘OWS’ that are spirit-based—portals from out of the formless. Be the Cosmic Observer. That is who you are and what your destiny is. The blog is your portal!”

    Your observations recently about the OWS being a “leaderless” movement have much deeper origins than you have yet revealed to us. I believe we are all leaders of one another. Leadership is coming from within us all, from Source indeed. It manifests now in a new form—perhaps we can call it the ‘circle’, where each individual, resonating with her or his own authentic being (Source), is speaking for Oneness and wholeness.

    The question before us, as a species, in the coming years, is ‘How do we put this leadership into practice?’ ‘How do we manifest it effectively?’ ‘How do we USE our vehicles’, as O has said.

    In Letter 28, the whole group voice says, “Be of use! This is our injunction to you all, to us all. Make the best and clearest use of the portal you have been given. You are that portal, as surely as you have a mind to ask the question ‘why’. Make clear your way into the moment. There is no greater blessing than being the opportunity that you are.”

    Watching the ‘old’ spiritual-teacher paradigm modeled for us last night in Wayne Dyer, set beside the new one offered by Eckhart Tolle, I am struck by what ET may be doing. He has been interviewing a number of famous and influential spiritual teachers, like Dyer, Ram Das, Walsch and Williamson. I feel ET is showing us ‘learners’ that we don’t need the old model much longer. We don’t need one individual sitting up front, cornering the market with his own angle on ‘spirituality’, giving us lists of things to do to ‘improve’ our lots in life. Even though Eckhart is in fact ‘sitting up front’ and talking too, he is really just holding the space, the stillness, in which we can find our own wisdom within. Once we do that, we no longer need the guru.

    In my view, during this transition time, we need help from awakened people to find the teacher within us all. We need to do it all together, in Oneness and in the Now. We are the ‘awakening’ ones, the learners and teachers both—no longer just the chelas and students!! We are teaching ourselves and each other at the same time. That’s what I see coming in our seminar next week, by the way. And I see it in your blog. (I see it embryonically in all blogs—individuals offering space for many rising voices.) That’s why it feels right to me to call our venture a ‘seminar’ (a space for seeds) and not a ‘workshop’. It is a circle of learners, teaching each other—out of each one’s deepest authentic connection to Source.

    So, I see you, Stefan Bright, CosmicObserver, stepping into the circle with your voice and your authenticity and revealing what is happening within the ‘movement’ of the species into new paradigms and new ways to ‘governing’ ourselves and relating to others. And creating the New Earth. You are clearly being guided by Source and by your connections to 500. Keep moving forward.



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