Election Epilogue

It has been a long and tiring trek through all of the election process. The negative bombardment from all camps has left the battlefield littered with casualties. Ego’s insanity has gone to the brink of annihilation and there are those who will still stay mired in the unrelenting game of war that pervades the ignorant consciousness of greed and self-serving.

With this said, there is another approach which can heal all wounds and re-energize the Soul of America to new beginnings. It is a simple task and one that needs only drop ego’s mask for positive results. It is the energetic Flow-of-Cooperation that will ignite the heartfelt dream of our founding fathers, because it was their spiritual certitude that laid bare the model for greatness and in it the potential for the evolving of human-kind to the next stage of creation.

How do we do it? How do we make it manifest? We can put all division aside and start to care about the greater good of humanity rather than the immediate gratification of ego’s demand. It seems evident that the galactic shift, this energetic wave, has put in place with this election an idea of strength and steadfastness that is the clarion of our great nation. It has become our responsibility as citizens of this space to charge our leaders to work in harmony, to further the goodness and prosperity that can be ours once again. This prosperity we mention is not centered around fortune and fame. It is not motivated by want. It is the Soul’s great plan for illumination of our species and the next chapter in Source’s soulful cry for enlightenment.

Who is ready to join this wondrous experience? I think now we all can. We need to support each other as the veil is lifted. We need to promise our inner being that we will not stray from this magnificent goal. We can remind ourselves daily who we really are, a Soul embodied in flesh with a mind prepared to elevate and a heart expanding to the edges of space. in fact we have no other choice. Conscious Evolution has seen to that. It is our ship to build, but the steering is coming from some greater source than us. So let’s make it easy on ourselves. We can enjoy the ride better if we just surrender to it. The last vestiges of ego’s strangle-hold will be disappearing over the next few generations. The new DNA is taking hold. There are only two choices here. Hold on to the old ways and wither in despair or embrace the Cosmic Truth and embolden what’s coming next.


  1. Thanks for taking this step, Stefan. I feel you’re voicing a hope that many of us have. Maybe that “hope” is actually Conscious Evolution forming itself through us as it moves forward into a new day. My sense is that we have crossed a threshold of opportunity in this election. It’s not about one party or the other, but about all of us ‘partying’ together to celebrate who we really are. All it takes is the opening in our hearts. Now is the time!


    1. That is why the emptiness was so pervasive for the last several months. It was patiently waiting for Conscious Evolution to make its move. And after last night’s results it was ready to unfold this new path – becoming our future selves. I had a download late last evening that the key to our success is to be Proactive, not reactive. It is our time to take charge and leave complacency behind.


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