An Interstellar Dream

Traveling away from planet Earth, on an interstellar transport, I was in the company of 3 or 4 beings that looked like us but had more of a light body present than we do. I asked them why we were leaving earth and where we were headed. One of them, the leader I imagine, told me we were headed to the next step of evolution, on another planet, outside our system. We were leaving earth and its life forms behind. The previous step of evolution was over and a new level was appearing out of CONSCIOUSNESS. 

 When I asked how we could help the earth and all the humans the leader informed me that their time was over and their demise would not be a painful thing, but a natural jump to the new experience. Not only would all those life forms be gone, but the earth itself would be done. 

 The leader tells me that it was all an illusion, the earth and the life upon it. That I could manifest a new, more enlightened world, and it would happen if I finally made the choice to surrender my mind to the true nature of my heart, the magical intuitive of awakening to the aliveness beyond all else. Allowing my heart to become The Warrior Heart. This was always the plan. Not just for a few, but for a great many. This warrior heart would have no fear of its mind and its ego plans. Now, doubt would not obscure the true nature of our birthing into Light, as Divine Explorers. My frustration and confusion would dissipate as soon as that ultimate surrender took place. 

 It’s inching its way there… 

 There are those of us who are frustrated, angry, out of step, and ready to throw up our hands in the resolve that the world is just too dense to bust through the ignorance veil. It’s not that we are so smart, but there is definitely a feeling deep inside that gnaws at us. Every new discovery that the reptilian mind is controlling the outcome of life right now buries the stake deeper into our hearts. Now, more than ever is a time to stay the course. When the dust clears, and it will, we’ll breathe clear again and go on our merry way.

1 Comment

  1. When I read the words you wrote on the “Interstellar Dream” ,” Now more than ever is a time to stay the course”, my memory brings the haunting song to mind that we sang as innocent children,,,,row row row your boat gently down the stream……~ We were given the answer as children – it’s a matter of remembering


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