Remember Me?


Will you remember me
When there’s no more of me to see?
Will you remember the things that went so wrong
Or remember the sometimes good we’ve done?
Will you remember me
When there’s no more of me to see?
Will you remember the pain I sometimes put you through
Or the tenderness that sprung from my heart for you?
Will you remember me
When there’s no more of me to see?
Will you remember the deep sorrow we weathered
Or the beautiful happiness we shared together?
Will you remember me
When my ashes are long for the sea?
When the days are many and your heart less heavy
How will you remember me?
© 2017 Stefan Bright


      1. I think of you and Paul all the time Roseanna. Your activism is greatly admired. I wrote this poem in words that traveled through me with a determined voice. I’m glad you found it fulfilling. Blessings.


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